Conversation at a recent bridal show

June 20, 2024  •  Leave a Comment


We were at the GardenState Expo Center for a Bridal Show.  Excellent show.  Many couples attended. We had a lot of great conversations, including one in particular.

01920192 One father was looking over our work and said that our work was the best of the show.  I thanked him and we conversed a bit more before he left our display area.  Now, I know photography is subjective and our work may not appear to be "the best of show" to everyone.  There were several photographers there all with great work.  Several are friends who we respect and have worked with over the years as they need an extra hand. I take these things in stride.

004004 A little later in the show, the same father is back at our display with another person, what I would assume was the "other half's" father.  They were flipping through one of our books and discussing our photos.  I couldn't hear what they were saying.  One of them points to a few photos, looks at me, and says "You're old school, aren't you?"   Noticing the photos he was pointing to, I knew exactly what he was asking.  He was referring to the lighting in our photos.  Turns out both men are landscape and nature photographers, so they have some knowledge. 

0491 copy0491 copy I told them I "grew up" on film.  There was NO looking at the back of the camera to see if you got it right, you HAD to know you got it right before creating that image.  We continued discussing photography in general and wedding photography.  We finished our talk after a bit.

I like when a client has some knowledge of photography.  I feel they can see the benefit our booking us.  We are very good at what we do, and I believe it shows in our work.  I believe you can see that too.

If you would like to know more about why we could be your perfect photographers, you can schedule a meeting, either online or in person, or a quick photocall to get you started.

Here is the link to schedule your meeting or call  Click Here.


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