There has always been a lot of discussion on cell photos at weddings

July 04, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

03260326 We have all read stories about or by photographer venting about cellphones or Ipads getting in the way at their wedding.  Someone ruining an image with their phone.  

Well, this is the nature of our world today.  We as photographers, need to adapt.  Either MOVE or find a different spot when the bride walks up the aisle.  Or, use phones in our photo.

Years ago when this started to become an issue, we started photographing the bride's entrance from a vantage point below the congregations, closer to the door.  This way I can turn, after the bride and her father, passes me to get the above photo.

Now if you look closely, there are 5 phones or cameras visible.  You can see the Groom's (sunglasses) expression as his about to be wife, walks toward him.  The other thing that gets me about this photo:  That is her mom (hands clasped together) watching her and her father.  The lady in the black and white dress has her hand on mom's shoulder so she doesn't step in front of her. 

The above photo is one of our favorite all-time cell photo photos.  We think we should embrace the cellphone world and use them as a "prop".  Here are a few photos.

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