Photography program with Rick Ferro and Rick Friedman

June 10, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

Recently I had to opportunity to go to a photography program and study/help out with amazing, nationally known award-winning photographers.

Rick Ferro, who is a Disney photographer.  Rick Friedman who works with Celebrities, from actor, politicians and more.

We worked with studio portraits, location portraits, brides and groom models, and teen models.

We had a great day, I was able to catch up with Rick Ferro, who I hadn't seen in a while and meet Rick Friedman, a great guy, by the way.

The event was held at T&F camera in Vineland, NJ.  A camera store and more.  The store has a portrait, area behind the building with all sorts of setting.  Old truck, a school bus, and several home-built photography areas.  A great day.

Here are a few photos for your viewing pleasure.

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